New Moon 20/11/09 8:45
okok, New Moon is abslutely crazy.
Everyone in my school is on about it even the lads eg.Liam
Tickets were sold out two weeks before , i mean this is just mad!!!! People, calm down!!! I know Jacob is hot but no need for this ( who know, i'm like this as well )
I couldn't get the ticket for 6pm show so i watched the 8.45 pm instead. Went to the cinema at 8pm and im glad i did that. The amount of people in the cinema OMJ (Oh My Jacob)!!! People were everywhere!! The queue was so long. They were there before us and we went at 8pm. Jesus Chirst!! Normally the cinema there is so quiet, not much people go but on Friday night, it was packed. I remembered i was in the cinema with my friends and we were the only one in the screen while on Friday, the whole Screen 1 was full. People were there for Edward and Jacob. lol
So went in and got perfect seat at the front and right in the middle. Nice! After all the trailers and the screen went black for about 5 mins.And this couple beside me were cursing and giving out to the cinema and said that if they don't show the movie they gonna sue the cinema, OMJ come on , give a life! Jacob won't go away!
Then the movie started, everyone were sceaming and they were people hushing for others to shut up. New Moon is definately way better than Twillight, no doubt with this but it wasnt as good as i aspected. I was abit bored at some stage. Overall it was still amazing. There were a few funny parts eg.where Jacob took of his shirt ( that was the good bit ). All of us agree that Jacob was fantastically HOT! What i like about him the most was where he was so caring in the movie ( well, Jacob's always caring ) and his body was warm not cold like Edward. He was always there for Bella ( i wish i was Bella) and always the one you can depend on.
Jasper was funny in the movie as well- the humerous in him.
Carlise was cool, the coolest vampire in the movie. He was immune to blood.
The Volturi, what can you say. They were suppose to be the good ones but they way they acted out in the movie were seem to be villains. And Aro looked quite old in the movie as well. Caius - The cruelest one. While i was watching New Moon , i was like he seems to be very familiar, then i realised he was Anthony Hope in Sweeny Todd!! And he will also be Gabrielle Delacour in Harry Potter and The deadly hallows !!! ok , he is going to be the evil one.
In the end of the film, the last last bit of the film, everyone in the cinema did the same action- aww...It was so sweet ( but i wish that was jacob not Edward!!!)
Emma gonna kill me when she finds out i finally picked my side.
You can be the person i depend on and you will always be that person. You're not the tiny one or the cranky one , you never will. I love you.