

目前分類:校园生活 (6)

  • Aug 22 Sat 2009 06:59
  • 友谊

昨天出去meet朋友- niamh, 好像有差不多两个月没有看到她。前天回学校买东西时遇到rachel,怎么说呢?非常开心,好久好久没看到她了。和朋友在一起时是最好的了。和他们在一起是和马来西亚的朋友在一起的感觉不一样。这里没有什么补习压力,学校压力不会很大,常常有disco有night out 。。。这里的人懂得享受生活!什么活动都有,学校生活也是蛮精彩的。每年都有很多活动,从9月到6月,几乎每个月都有活动。。。10 月,12月,3月,5月都有些大活动。加上这些talents show, musical night ,fashion show, 一些cultural weeks。。。加上prom night,简直是---〉哇!


开学的话,我可能会面对一个麻烦。这个问题是一直到昨天niamh说起时我才想到。之前一直都没去想会怎样。也就是去年我的两个朋友吵架我无辜被夹在中间,而一直到现在他们都还没有和好。一个是emma,一个是jordan。在我的gang 里面,全都觉得是jordan 的错,可是我觉得这只是小事,不需要弄到酱大所以我一直都没有选边站。加上现在我大部分的课将和jordan一起上,不说话和选边站好像有点不对而且我又觉得不想为这些小事而失去一个朋友。And then,昨天niamh和我说-〉we're not gonna loose you 。我听了后停顿了一下子,我觉得她好像叫我不要再和jordan一起。虽然一开始我和jordan也不是很熟,可是我一想到她将会自己一个人,被朋友抛弃,我会觉得很guilty.我会觉得她很可怜和我会狠不下心去和她说no.

我不知道到时候会是怎么样。我觉得他们好像在一个一个那样抛弃朋友,之前就有一个了,现在是jordan 说不定下一个是我。这样的友谊值得吗?

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Last day as a class group - The McNally - The Collection of GREATNESS!! oh yes we are, we are the collection of greatness!!!With half the class going into Transition Year and half the class going into 5th year and with Kristiana going back to Latvia and with Kiera going to Institute and lastly but not least with Amy going into Rang Cullen.The ORIGINAL Class McNally are going to be seperated and im so so so sad.I don't want us to be seperated, i don't want kiera and kristiana to go. Loosing Amy is gonna be suxc as well....

For the last 3 years, we had so many precious and wonderfull time, good ole times ~Winning the first year sports day was definately the highlight of the 3 years. Nobody would have thought a class with no sportive girls can win the title of No.1!!! Gaelic, soccer and basketball, no girls can play sport in our class. Playing against Rang Brennan, WOW, a class with all the sports people , i still don't understand how we won it. i guess it was because nobady was aspecting us to win and they forgot about us in the competition. Building a human pyramid was a highlight of that day too. Falling down and crushing into each other , good times..

Remember the time in English Owen was playing with his Tippex and got them all on him?That was hillarious. Owen - Class Clown ? Really , it was funny and stupid . No other words can describe what was happening there.White all over the nose and everything , even the teacher was laughing and that was CLASS!!!

One-eyed Rian , well , what can i say , don't point a playing gun to your eye !!! That was stupid and hurts as well~

Tuan, Ryan,Conor , Kiera ,Kristiana, Oran, Enda,Dunphy, well , what would rang McNally be without you guys?The Spirit of the class. Rachel , Sophie, Lisa,Jane, Shannon ,Emma , Amy ....love you guys lot . We are a close class. We are what we are and we are The LeftOvers , thats why we are close because nobody wants us ...lol


Lastly - Our Class Song

5ive - Keep On Movin'

I woke up today with this feeling
That better things are coming my way (way)
And if the sunshine has a meaning
Telling me not to let things get in my way

When the rainy days are dying
Gotta keep on, keep on trying
All the bees and birds are flying (ahh ahh ahh)
Never let go, gotta hold on in
Non-stop til the break of dawnin
Keep on movin dont stop rockin (ahh ahh ahh)

Get on up when youre down
Baby, take a good look around
I know its not much, but its okay
Keep on moving anyway

Feels like I should be screaming
Trying to get it through to my friends
Sometimes it feels that life has no meaning
But I know things will be alright in the end

When the rainy days are dying
Gotta keep on, keep on trying
All the bees and birds are flying (ahh ahh ahh)
Never let go, gotta hold on in
Non-stop til the break of dawnin
Keep on movin dont stop rockin (ahh ahh ahh)

Get on up when youre down
Baby, take a good look around
I know its not much, but its okay
Keep on moving anyway

When the rainy days are dying
Gotta keep on, keep on trying
All the bees and birds are flying (ahh ahh ahh)
Never let go, gotta hold on in
Non-stop til the break of dawnin
Keep on movin dont stop rockin (ahh ahh ahh)

Get on up when youre down
Baby, take a good look around
I know its not much, but its okay
Keep on moving anyway

Get on up when youre down
Baby, take a good look around
I know its not much, but its okay
Keep on moving anyway

When the rainy days are dying
Gotta keep on, keep on trying
All the bees and birds are flying (ahh ahh ahh)
Never let go, gotta hold on in
Non-stop til the break of dawnin
Keep on movin dont stop rockin (ahh ahh ahh)

Get on up when youre down
Baby, take a good look around
I know its not much, but its okay
Keep on moving anyway

Get on up when youre down
Baby, take a good look around
I know its not much, but its okay
Keep on moving anyway...




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  • Jun 06 Sat 2009 10:00
  • 060609


ehem , 之前说到JC 好像很难酱,考了几张后觉得,其实也不是很难啦~~至少比去年的容易多

尤其是英文,它的问题我简直不敢想象,第一次,真的是历史以来第一次,它问的问题是单单,War and Peace !!!!

去年的poetry questions 最头痛,问的是rhtymn和tone,对我来说,最难写就是这两个

而今年的是单单war ~~ 看到这字的时候,我差点跳了起来



我最喜欢的是Base Details by Siegfried Sassons 和 Dolce et Docorum by Wilfred Owen


两个poet 写的诗都给了我很强烈的感觉,讨厌战争,讨厌这些自私自利的官员





如果没记错,去年年尾的时候,我认识了一个犹太人- tommy

他在十多岁的时候曾经在concentration camp 度过...

相信大家都听过anne frank , 而最shocking的是,tom 曾经就和anne 在同一个camp 里,而且也认识对方


anne 的书,我读过






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他教会我很多人生的道理,教会我不要死死待在一个圈子里,要get out of my confort zone.




有很多很多。。。比如说 足球啊,橄榄球,解剖这些东西


当然他也是一个很好的数学和科学老师。只从他教数学后,我可以很肯定的说maths is a pratical subject 


他最喜欢的一句话是ok class, we're gonna do a survey today~





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Thanks To Jack !!!!!



今天,5th year 去中国,1st year 去意大利,我们去history trip = =

2nd year 守学校~~(哈哈)

history trip其实我也不会讨厌但是要我们便找答案就有点不爽了。。

整个trip 就在拼命找答案而以因为老师说如果没做完,就不能吃McDonalds~~

不过,最好笑的是坐我后面的JACK 裤子破洞了!!!

在巴士Jack 他拿领带绑着我隔壁的Brian 然后 Brian 就很不爽把领带丢到前面去,Jack 去拿然后回座位时。。。



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